What is Plastic Surgery?

The term Plastic Surgery originates from the Greek word “plastikos” which means “to mold or to shape.” Plastic surgery, therefore, refers to any procedure which is performed in order to repair, reconstruct, or replace a physical feature or defect. Plastic surgery procedures may be performed on the skin, the musculoskeletal system, the body or breast, the extremities, or the genitalia. It is often used to reshape the features to create a more aesthetically-pleasing appearance.

Surgery Set Up

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Dr. Joel Beck

Is there a Difference Between Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery?

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery cover two separate disciplines within the same field. Cosmetic surgery is generally performed for aesthetic purposes, with the goal of enhancing the appearance of your face or body. Plastic surgery is performed reconstructively in order to repair the face or body due to trauma, defect, or disease. Naturally, there is some overlap between plastic and cosmetic surgery. No matter what type of procedure is being performed, the goal is always to have an aesthetically-pleasing outcome.

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How do I Know if Plastic Surgery is Right for Me?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through eating a balanced, nutritious diet and a faithful exercise routine will go a long way in preserving your youth and vitality. Dr. Beck likes to think of plastic surgery as a complement to this lifestyle. There are things that you will not be able to change through diet and exercise such as the size of your breasts, the shape of your nose, or the way the skin on your face has aged. Those features and more can be enhanced through the skill, talent, and techniques of Dr. Joel Beck.

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How Long will the Result of Plastic Surgery Last?

The results of most plastic surgery procedures are long-lasting. There is a degree of responsibility that you have in maintaining the results of a plastic surgery procedure. Whether you are having a facelift, liposuction, a tummy tuck, or laser skin resurfacing, you should commit to the care of your body and your overall health before undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Nothing can stop the ticking clock of time, but you can help to keep it at bay.

RealSelf Q&A with Joel B. Beck, MD, FACS

Plastic Surgery Q&A | Beck Aesthetic Surgery
I've had a series of 3 chemical peels and did not my peel after this one. Options?
The healthier your skin is, the less you will most likely peel. This does not mean the peel wasn't effective or that you need something strong. Try adding...READ MORE
PCA peel vs. VI peel? Which is better?
Here at Beck Aesthetic, we prefer the PCA peels because of the ability to customize the peel specifically for your skincare concerns and challenges. The PCA...READ MORE
Is it safe to get Micro-needling RF a year after having a lower facelift or would regular micro-needling be better?
Thank you for your question. First, I would recommend consulting with your surgeon. It is important to continue with proper skin care at home and procedures...READ MORE
Dermaplaning on my face? Is this a procedure in a real doctor/surgeons office and how do you feel about the results?
Great question, and one I have heard many times. The reason dermaplaining is performed in a medical setting, like a med spa, is because of the use of the...READ MORE
Which procedure would help me the most to clear up bumps are scars on my butt? (Photos)
Thank you for your question. Facial's aren't just for faces. Skin is the largest organ of our body and "facials" can be performed on all parts of the body.....READ MORE
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