About the Motus AY Laser Facial

The Beck Aesthetic Surgery medspa in Charlotte, NC is proud to offer one of the most advanced, effective, and painless laser facials available: the Motus AY laser facial. This laser is manufactured by Europe’s leading aesthetic systems manufacturer, DEKA, and is the first high-speed alexandrite laser that is equally beneficial for both light and dark skin types. 

What the Motus AY Laser Facial Treats

The Motus AY technology is perfect for laser hair reduction and treatment of:

  • Pigmented lesions
  • Small leg veins 
  • Vascular lesions on the skin
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Effective for Light and Dark Skin

One of the greatest advantages of the Motus AY laser facial is that it’s equally effective on light and dark skin types. Most traditional lasers are effective when darkly-pigmented hair follicles are set against minimally-pigmented or light skin because the laser focuses on the difference in contrast, with the pigment in the hair follicles absorbing the laser energy and effectively destroying the hair. However, individuals with less contrast between their skin and hair — or those with darker skin types — have had to settle for less effective treatments. Motus AY overcomes that limitation.

How Does Motus AY Laser Facial Work?

The Motus AY laser facial device is based on proprietary Moveo technology. The Moveo handheld device gradually heats the vital regions of the hair with small back-and-forth movements, delivering just enough heat to affect the hair follicles without burning surrounding skin tissues. As the cool sapphire tip of the device moves back and forth, it destroys the hair follicles, pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, superficial leg veins, and other such cosmetic anomalies.

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What to Expect During a Laser Facial

Laser facial treatments with the Motus AY are incredibly effective. We will cleanse your skin and provide eye protection before the procedure begins. The handheld device moves quickly across the skin, delivering laser pulses as it goes. The Moveo technology used by Motus AY completely eliminates the discomfort associated with traditional laser treatments. Even though the Motus AY procedure involves delivering thermal energy to your skin and hair follicles, it does so gradually to eliminate the “rubber-band” effect caused by most laser treatments. You may even feel a slight cooling sensation because of the sapphire tip of the device.

With traditional laser treatments, about five sessions are needed for optimal results, followed by regular maintenance sessions. However, the Motus AY laser facial is far more effective and requires only three to six sessions to see optimal results.

Downtime and Results

Depending on what the laser is focusing on, you may experience slightly red skin for a few hours, or even a day. You may also feel a slight sunburn sensation. Pigmented areas that were treated will at first become darker over the course of two days, and then will slough off in the next week or so. Vascular lesions will fade. 

We will give you home care instructions to help you heal smoothly and get the best results possible. Your specific results will be determined by your skin type and your unique skin concerns. 

Am I a Candidate?

One of the biggest breakthrough advantages of the Motus AY laser facial is that it’s equally safe and effective for light and dark skin tones. If you’re in the Charlotte, NC area and you’re interested in learning more about this advanced technology, an in-person consultation with our team will determine if a laser facial or another treatment will be best for you.

In general, those who make the best candidates for a Motus AY laser facial are those who:

  • Have excess facial hair, pigmented or vascular lesions, or small visible veins
  • Need a quick and efficient treatment that requires no downtime
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Why Choose Beck Aesthetic Surgery?

Why choose Beck Aesthetic Surgery for your Charlotte, NC laser facial? Because our medspa is led by one of the most reputable plastic surgeons in North Carolina. Dr. Joel Beck is an award-winning and board-certified plastic surgeon who upholds the highest standards of quality, care, and comfort for his patients. We also pride ourselves on providing groundbreaking, cutting-edge treatments that address all your cosmetic concerns without side effects or complications. We will discuss your concerns and listen to your expectations to curate the ideal laser facial procedure for your specific needs. The most significant difference in cosmetic treatments isn’t always the product used; it’s the skill of your provider. At the Beck Aesthetic Surgery medspa, you can be confident you’re in the best hands.

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